Delectable California Mission Figs

California Mission figs are a unique and highly prized variety of figs that are renowned for their rich flavor and succulent texture. These figs are grown primarily in our sunny state of California, where the climate and soil conditions provide an ideal environment for their cultivation.

Here are some interesting facts:

  • Figs are members of the mulberry family.
  • Dried figs were first used commercially in the Fig Newton cookie in 1892.
  • Due to the high alkalinity of figs, people may eat them to help them to stop smoking.
  • In ancient Egypt, figs were used as a mouth cleanser and as a facial mask to tighten skin. The juices from the fig leaves were used to treat insect bites and stings.
  • Fig trees can grow up to 50 feet tall.
  • You’ll never see a blossom on a fig tree, because the blossom is inside the fruit.

The history of California Mission figs can be traced back to the late 18th century when Franciscan missionaries brought fig cuttings to California as part of their mission to establish agricultural settlements. These figs were initially planted in the region’s fertile soils at Mission San Diego in 1759 and quickly adapted to the Mediterranean-like climate, thriving in the warm summers and mild winters. As the missionaries moved north they continued to plant fig trees. Over the years, these fig trees became an integral part of California’s agricultural landscape, and their fruits gained popularity for their exceptional taste and versatility.

One of the defining characteristics of California Mission figs is their unique flavor profile. These figs boast a natural sweetness with complex notes of honey, caramel, and a hint of nuttiness. Their soft, jam-like flesh has a luscious texture that melts in the mouth, making them a true delight for the senses. The figs’ skin is thin and tender, ranging in color from purple to black, and may have a slightly dusty or “bloomed” appearance, which is completely normal.

In the culinary world, California Mission figs are revered for their versatility. They can be enjoyed fresh, straight off the tree, or incorporated into a variety of both sweet and savory dishes. These figs pair exceptionally well with cheeses, such as goat cheese or blue cheese, creating a delightful contrast of flavors. They can be used as a topping for salads, added to charcuterie boards, or transformed into delicious jams, chutneys, and spreads. California Mission figs also shine when baked or roasted, as the heat intensifies their sweetness and brings out their natural caramelized flavors. They can be stuffed, wrapped in prosciutto, or used in tarts, cakes, and pies, lending their distinct taste to any dessert creation.

Beyond their exceptional taste, California Mission figs also offer numerous health benefits. They are a rich source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes a healthy gut. Figs are packed with essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which contribute to bone health, muscle function, and overall well-being. They also contain antioxidants, including phenolic compounds and flavonoids, which help protect the body against cellular damage caused by harmful free radicals. One large fig is about 47 calories.

How to Select and Store Figs
When selecting California Mission figs, look for fruits that are plump, soft to the touch, and have a sweet aroma. These indicate that the figs are ripe and at their peak of flavor. If you prefer to consume them over time, choose slightly firmer figs, as they will continue to ripen at room temperature. Once ripe, store them in the refrigerator to prolong their freshness.

Here’s a nifty trick to keep these delicate beauties from getting squashed in your shopping bag. Bring a clean, empty egg carton from home. Place the figs in the egg carton to transport home. The egg carton protects the fragile skins from splitting and each fig is gently cradled in its own container.

Figs are in season from May — November. You’ll find figs at Minazzoli Farms at the farmers markets in July and Borba Family Farms will have figs coming in later in the season.

Whether enjoyed fresh or incorporated into various culinary creations, figs are a testament to California’s fertile lands and the meticulous cultivation practices of its farmers. So, indulge in the delectable world of California Mission figs and savor the flavors of this remarkable fruit.

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