Creamy Cider Vinaigrette for Slaw

Use this dressing with Savoy Cabbage and Apple Slaw. It’s also great with Apple Arugula Salad or a fennel apple salad.


1/4 cup cider vinegar
1 teaspoon Dijon-style mustard
1 tablespoon (or to taste) agave syrup, or other neutral-flavored sweetener
1/2 tablespoon minced shallot
1/4 teaspoon fresh minced thyme or a pinch of dried thyme, crumbled
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup labne, sour cream, very thick yogurt, or mayonnaise


Put the vinegar into a large non-reactive bowl, and add the shallot, herbs, salt, and pepper, and stir to mix in. Add the mustard and agave syrup and whisk to thoroughly incorporate.

In a thin stream, steadily drizzle in the oil, whisking all the while to emulsify the dressing. Continue until all the oil is gone or the dressing will coat the back of a spoon.

Next, put the labne (or whatever you are using) into the bowl. Whisk until the labne is thoroughly incorporated into the dressing.

Taste the dressing for balance. If needed, add more agave syrup to hit the right sweet-sour balance, or salt and pepper. If the dressing is sweet enough but still rather vinegary, whisk in more labne/yogurt/mayonnaise.

YIELD: About 1 cup

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