How to Steam Sweet Potatoes

Although we love baked sweet potatoes, steaming is quicker and produces a perfectly moist potato. Steamed baked potatoes take about 30 minutes, while baked potatoes take at least an hour. This method is for medium-sized potatoes. However, if you have only large-sized potatoes, you can cut them in half.

(1) Fill the lower part of a double boiler pot with water just below the steamer basket and bring it to a boil.

(2) Add medium-sized sweet potatoes to the steamer basket and place it over the boiling water. Maintain a steady, slow boil and steam the potatoes for 25 to 35 minutes, depending on the size of the potato, until the flesh is tender when pierced with a fork.

Allow the potatoes to sit for 5 minutes, then remove the skin and proceed with your preparation.

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