
Featured Seasonal Produce
In California, several varieties of beets are grown, each with its own unique flavor profile and culinary uses. Here are some common varieties and suggestions for how to use them: Red Beets: Red beets are perhaps the most common variety cultivated in California. They have a sweet, earthy flavor and a vibrant red-purple color. Red...
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Throughout history, cabbage has played diverse roles beyond a mere culinary dish. From ancient Egyptian Pharaohs to renowned explorer Captain Cook, its uses have ranged from hangover cures to wound compresses. Despite the myth of babies sprouting from cabbage patches, this cruciferous vegetable remains a staple in many cuisines worldwide, especially paired with corned beef....
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As Californians, we have so many things to be thankful for when it comes to fresh food. Avocados are certainly one of those things, and at our farmers market, we have several vendors supplying us with these sublime fruits. Given that California produces 95% of the avocados in the USA, this is not surprising. When...
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The Meyer lemon owes its presence in the U.S. to a USDA agricultural explorer named Frank Meyer, who discovered it in 1908 during one of his expeditions to Asia to collect new plant species. Among the 2,500 plants he introduced to the U.S. was the unusual thin-skinned, lemon-orange citrus cross, which became the Meyer lemon,...
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Originating in South America, sweet potatoes also have roots in Polynesia, where they go by the name ‘kumar.’ Although a distant relative of the potato, sweet potatoes are commonly referred to as yams in North America. These versatile tubers come in ‘firm’ and ‘soft’ varieties, with the former maintaining their firmness when cooked, while the...
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A sure sign that November is here is the warm orange glow emanating from many stalls at the market. This deep red-orange luminescence comes from what is known throughout much of the world as kaki (a Japanese word, pronounced ‘kah-kee’), a fruit we know as persimmon. ‘Persimmon’ is a variant of an Algonquin name ‘pessamin’...
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Brussels sprouts, scientifically known as Brassica oleracea, are a member of the cruciferous vegetable family, closely related to cabbage. These petite, spherical buds, typically measuring one to two inches in diameter, bear a striking resemblance to miniature cabbage heads. These hardy vegetables thrive in cool climates, with their flavor reaching its peak after a light...
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Eggplant, also known as aubergine, is a member of the nightshade family and shares its botanical lineage with tomatoes and potatoes. This strikingly diverse fruit, often mischaracterized as a vegetable, boasts a storied history. In the 1600s, eggplants were intriguingly known as ‘mala insane‘ or ‘mad apples,’ suggesting that consuming them might lead to insanity....
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Get ready to add some sizzle to salsa with the zesty flavors of tomatillos as these little green gems hit their peak season at farmers markets! These ancient fruits have a fascinating history dating all the way back to the Aztecs, who were cultivating them as far back as 800 BC in their homeland of...
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Summer corn is known for its sweet and delicious taste and is an American staple for barbecues, picnics, and beach cookouts.  Whether you cook it on the grill, boil it, or use its kernels in various recipes, fresh corn is a delightful addition to many dishes and meals. Locally grown California corn has a very...
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